Astronomy before the telescope, editat per Christopher Walker
El 1996, Christopher Walker, Deputy Keeper al Department of Western Asiatic Antiquities del British Museum, va coordinar Astronomy before the telescope, editat per The Trustees del British Museum.
En 352 pàgines, presenta disset articles d’història de l’astronomia en diferents civilitzacions i èpoques, elaborats per estudiosos i autoritats acadèmiques de cada tema. El pròleg és de Patrick Moore.
Clive Ruggles: Archaeoastronomy in Europe.
Ronald A. Wells: Astronomy in Egypt.
John Britton and Christopher Walker: Astronomy and Astrology in Mesopotamia.
G. J. Toomer: Ptolemy and his Greek Predecessors.
T. W. Potter: Astronomy in Etruria and Rome.
Alexander Jones: Later Greek and Byzantine Astronomy.
J. V. Field: European Astronomy in the First Millennium: the Archaeological Record.
David Pingree: Astronomy in India.
David A. King: Islamic Astronomy.
Olaf Pedersen: European Astronomy in the Middle Ages.
N. M. Swerdlow: Astronomy in the Renaissance.
G. L’E. Turner: Late Medieval and Renaissance Instruments.
Colin Ronan: Astronomy in China, Korea and Japan.
Anthony E. Aveni: Astronomy in the Americas.
Brian Warner: Traditional Astronomical Knowledge in Africa.
Wayne Orchiston: W. Australian Aboriginal, Polynesian and Maori Astronomy.
F. Richard Stephenson: Modern Uses of Ancient Astronomy.
El 1997, David W. Hughes en va fer una ressenya al Journal of the British Astronomical Association, vol.107, no.1, p.41
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